Here’s how to move into “Stealth Mode” when doing your prospecting research on LinkedIN.

by Tony Vidler

It seems that while a lot of professionals now have a presence on LinkedIn they are often not actually using it to prospect for potential new clients.  That seems odd to me given that Linkedin is a Business-2-Business networking platform: it exists to assist people in business network with other people in business.  One has to assume that the majority of people on LinkedIn understand that, so why wouldn’t we use it as a prospecting tool?


It turns out when I talk to advisers that most don’t use it overtly to go prospecting because they don’t want to have potential future clients feeling like they have been stalked.  The fact that others can see that you have been looking at their profile appears to be the main reason that more professionals do not use its powerful networking capabilities.

Well you can fix that so others do not see you have been looking at their profile, and it is a very easy thing to do. In fact, you can just do it temporarily. So while you are using LinkedIn for prospect research, you can go into stealth mode.  When you’ve finished doing research and want to go back to normal operations, switch out of stealth mode.

In this weeks Quick Tips video we talk you through how to switch to anonymous viewing, and how to switch back, so the prospects you are researching never even knew you’d been checking them out…

…watch the video to learn more… 

Related to this post:

Using LinkedIn to get business: when to switch from “Free” to “Premium”

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