Why didn’t the client call ME?

by Tony Vidler “Our clients did business elsewhere and didn’t call us to do it – Why?” How often do we hear this from advisers? Maybe you aren’t very good, or maybe they just don’t like you.  Maybe that is why…but then, why would they have ever done business with you in the first place […]

Do You Practice Enough To Be A Champion Adviser?

By Tony Vidler This is one of my favourite business quotes. My reason for pointing this out is because people keep forgetting it.  If we turned temporarily from business to the world of sport – where success is often measured primarily by win/loss ratio’s -then I’d say that this is a favourite: My point in […]

Demonstrate Your Value And Prospects Will Choose You

By Tony Vidler Smart professional service firms today focus on demonstrating their value to prospects. Having a prospect who is interested enough to hear what you have to offer has always been a necessary step on the path to getting a client, and it obviously remains so today. However, who the prospect decides to continue […]

If you want prospects to “buy you”, then dumb it down!

by Tony Vidler One of the best tips I can give anyone in professional services is “dumb it down- but don’t treat people like dummies“. There is a big difference between “dumbing it down” and treating people like dummies too.  The first is about simplifying the message in order to be effective, whereas the second […]

Being There. Maybe that is what Advisers are not doing well.

by Tony Vidler I’ve just been reading through a very interesting piece of research that came out of the last census here in NZ, compiled by Statistics NZ, and it immediately highlighted some problems in our process as advisers that suggest we may be missing the mark with many consumers.   The key statistic that […]

You are probably closer to being “An Authority” than you realise.

by Tony Vidler IF you have bought into the key concept of providing good quality content, or information, to prospects in order to engage them until they are ready to use your services, the inevitable question becomes: “what do I provide in the way of content?” It seems a fair question too. Very few professional […]

Dumb business is converting only 1 in 10 prospects…

by Tony Vidler Remember when everyone starting in a sales role was told to just “see the people, see the people, see the people!”? Remember when the expectation was that our fame and fortune would be assured if we worked the 10-3-1 formula?  Call 10 people, and get appointments with 3 of them on average, […]